I Ain’t Easy To Love

I ain’t easy to love
Scars have made me black and blue
But I feel a little less broken
Every day I spend with you

Oh, you bring out the woman
That I never knew I was
Oh, please, forgive me, darling
I ain’t easy to love

I ain’t easy to love
I get a little crazy sometimes
(Oh, yes, you do)
But you know this tide’ll pull me
Gently right across the line

Right beside me through the bad times
Anybody else would run
I thank the Lord for you each morning
‘Cause I ain’t easy to love

And you love me
You forgive me of all my faults
That’s the beauty of it all

You ain’t easy to love
(Oh, I ain’t easy)
But that’s what I’m gonna do, honey
I spent my whole life running
And now I’m walking to you

For the worse or for the better
Through the tender and the tough
Hand in hand, we’ll walk forever
Even though
You ain’t easy to love

Oh, please, forgive me, darling
I ain’t easy to love

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