He’ll Make It Alright

He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright

Whatever you want
God is able
Whatever you need
He’ll supply
Whatever is broken
He can fix it
No need to worry
He’s alive
He’ll make it alright

He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright

Wherever you are
He’s listening
Whatever you pray
He knows
Whatever the answer
He’s got me
We know he’s sovereign
He’s in control
He’ll make it alright

He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright

He will make it alright
I know he will
He will make it alright
I know he will
He will make it alright
I know he will

He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright
He will
He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright
He’ll make it alright

He’ll make it alright

He’ll make it all
He’ll make it alright

He will, he will
He’ll make it alright

He’ll Make It Alright Video

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