Day of Victory

We have a story of grace

We have an anthem of hope

We have a reason to praise

We are redeemed and restored

You are the great liberator

You ransomed us from our shame

Now by the blood of the Savior

Everything broken will change

Oh, this will be my day of victory

My chains are gone, now I am free indeed

Every debt is paid by amazing grace

All that’s left is to celebrate

Your love has won

I’m free indeed, my jubilee has come

No longer slaves of the past

This is the year of the Lord

Here at the foot of the cross

We are outsiders no more

You made a way through the darkness

Into Your marvelous light

You broke the bondage that held us

Now we are fully alive

You shook the walls of my prison

You brought me back from the grave

You turned my mourning to dancing

Into the night I proclaim

Day of Victory Video

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