Let not your heart be troubled for He will take you in
His invitation stand forever more
He’s right there where you let Him to take you by the hand
And lead you to that everlasting shore
He’ll take you in He’ll take you in and give you shelter from the storm
He’ll take you in He’ll take you in and there your mortal life transform
How can you be so down and out you should jump right up and shout
He’ll take you in He’ll take you in He’ll take you in
Let not your soul be weary for He will strengthen you
Even in the weakest times you’ll find
Him reaching out his arms to lift you up again
You know He’ll take you in every time
You’ll be walking on the water with your feet on hallowed ground
If you have the faith to follow in His will
You’ll be one with the Spirit the Father and the Son
He’ll deliver you sanctified and sealed
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