Those Who Know Me Know

Those who know me know peace like river
Those who know me know joy like a flood
Those who know me know they’ve been forgiven
Those who know me know me through the blood

Are you weary
Are you heavy laden
Bring your burdens come lay them down
Listen close and Jesus will tell you where the answers found

For he’ll say, Those who know me know peace like river
Those who know me know joy like a flood
Those who know me know they’ve been forgiven
Those who know me know me through the blood

Are you walking daily with the Master
Are you fully and trusting in the Lord
You were meant to live life abundant
You were saved for more

For he said, Those who know me know peace like river
Those who know me know joy like a flood
Those who know me know they’ve been forgiven
Those who know me know me through the blood

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