Dancing With My Shadow

Verse 1
Oh, don’t mind him, he’s made of darkness
But I take him everywhere I go
You’d think the light would make him harmless
And yet by light do shadows grow

It’s two of me in tension, didn’t know I had depression
Till he started writing songs
And I told him not to draw attention
So he fouettes across the floor

Come watch me dancing with my shadow
I’m trying to figure out the steps
Between the man you think you follow
And the man I really am
I’m out here singing to the bright light all night
With all this darkness in my head
So come watch me dancing with my shadow
Can’t you see that I can’t dance?

Verse 2
Well, surely a prophet on a poster
Must be the blatant worst of both
Oh, I didn’t wanna be your pastor
Lest some holy rolling stone

‘Cause there’s two of me in tension, just waltzing with affection
Just learning as we go
And I’m tryin’ not to draw attention
We’ve both been treading on some toes

So come watch me dancing with my shadow
I’m trying to figure out the steps
Between the man you think you follow
And the man I really am
And I can’t keep singing to the bright lights all night
With all this darkness in my head
So come watch me dancing with my shadow
Can’t you see that I can’t dance?

Can’t you see that I can’t dance?
Can’t you see that I can’t dance, dance?

I’m dancing with my ” I’m dancing with my “
I’m dancing with my shadow
I’m dancing with my ” I’m dancing with my “
I’m dancing with my shadow
I’m dancing with my shadow

Dancing With My Shadow Video

Dancing With My Shadow Song Meaning

Dancing With My Shadow: Exploring Doubt and Faith in Benjamin Hastings’ Song


In this blog post, we will delve into the song titled “Dancing With My Shadow” by Benjamin Hastings. This song takes a unique approach to faith by addressing the presence of doubt and the struggle to reconcile one’s beliefs with personal experiences. We will examine the main key messages of the song, explore its meaning, and analyze its biblical foundation.

Key Messages of the Song

The song “Dancing With My Shadow” conveys a series of key messages throughout its lyrics. Let’s explore these messages chronologically:

Verse 1: The song opens with the acknowledgment of a constant companion, referred to as “him” and described as being made of darkness. The lyrics suggest that this darkness exists within the singer and accompanies them everywhere they go. Despite the presence of light, symbolizing faith, the darkness persists and even grows.

Pre-Chorus: The pre-chorus reveals the singer’s realization of their struggle with depression. The darkness within them manifests through songwriting, drawing attention to their internal battles. The lyrics imply a desire to avoid drawing attention to their struggles while continuing to dance metaphorically across the floor.

Chorus: The chorus serves as the central theme of the song, emphasizing the tension between the public image of the singer and their internal struggles. The singer invites others to witness their dance with their shadow, symbolizing their attempt to navigate the complexities of faith and doubt. The lyrics suggest a discrepancy between the perceived faith of the singer and the darkness within their mind. They long for understanding and recognition that they can’t dance, metaphorically meaning they can’t fully embrace their faith due to their inner struggles.

Verse 2: The second verse introduces the idea of a prophet on a poster, representing an idealized image of faith. The singer expresses their reluctance to assume the role of a pastor or spiritual leader, fearing that their own internal battles may hinder their effectiveness. They acknowledge the tension between their own struggles and the expectation of being a faithful representative.

Pre-Chorus: The second pre-chorus echoes the struggles expressed in the first pre-chorus. The singer recognizes the dual nature within them, one that seeks affection and connection while treading on the toes of those around them.

Chorus: The chorus is repeated, emphasizing the core message of the song once again. The singer continues to invite others to witness their dance with their shadow, highlighting the disparity between their external image and internal struggles.

Post-Chorus: The post-chorus emphasizes the singer’s inability to dance and their ongoing struggle with their shadow.

Meaning of the Song

“Dancing With My Shadow” delves into the deeply personal experience of grappling with doubt and faith. Benjamin Hastings, through his lyrics, expresses his own struggles with doubt and the difficulty of reconciling personal experiences with established theological beliefs. The song serves as an honest confession of the tension between one’s public image and the inner battles that are often hidden.

Inspiration and Song Story

While specific details about the inspiration or story behind the song are not readily available, it is evident that Benjamin Hastings drew from his own experiences and emotions to craft “Dancing With My Shadow.” As a professional Christian songwriter and worship leader, Hastings has likely encountered the pressure to maintain a strong and unwavering faith publicly while navigating personal doubts and struggles privately. This song can be seen as his attempt to shed light on this internal struggle and create a space for others who may be experiencing similar doubts to find solace and understanding.

Biblical Analysis

One critical aspect of analyzing a Christian song is to assess its biblical foundation. While the song “Dancing With My Shadow” does not explicitly reference specific biblical verses, it resonates with several biblical themes and passages.

1. Doubt and Faith: The song’s core message revolves around the tension between doubt and faith. This theme is not uncommon in the Bible, as even prominent figures like Thomas (John 20:24-29) and the father in Mark 9:24 expressed doubt while simultaneously seeking faith. The song acknowledges the presence of doubt but also hints at a longing for faith.

2. Honesty and Authenticity: The lyrics of the song emphasize the importance of honesty and authenticity in one’s faith journey. The singer admits to their struggles and doubts, highlighting the need for transparency in addressing these internal battles. This aligns with biblical principles of confessing our sins and struggles to one another (James 5:16) and seeking healing and reconciliation.

3. God’s Grace in Weakness: The song indirectly points to God’s grace and strength in the midst of human weakness. The admission of struggling with darkness and depression reflects the reality of human frailty. The Apostle Paul wrote extensively about finding strength in weakness, with passages like 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 emphasizing God’s power being made perfect in our weaknesses.

4. The Need for Community: By inviting others to witness their dance with their shadow, the singer acknowledges the importance of community and vulnerability in the faith journey. The Bible encourages believers to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) and spur one another on toward love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).

In conclusion, “Dancing With My Shadow” by Benjamin Hastings explores the struggle between doubt and faith in a deeply personal and honest way. The song’s key messages highlight the tension between the public image of faith and the internal battles individuals face. While the song does not explicitly reference specific biblical verses, it aligns with biblical themes of doubt and faith, honesty and authenticity, God’s grace in weakness, and the need for community in the faith journey. By addressing these topics, the song creates a space for individuals to find solace and encouragement in their own struggles with doubt and faith.

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