Long Have I Lived In Grief And Pain

1 LONG have I lived in grief and pain,
And suffered many things in vain,
And all physicians tried;
Nor men nor means my soul can heal,
The plague is still incurable,
The fountain is undried.

2 No help can I from these receive;
Nor men nor means can e’er relieve,
Or give my spirit ease;
Still worse and worse my ease I find .
Here then I cast them all behind,
From all my works I cease.

3 I find brought in a better hope,
Succour there is for me laid up,
For every helpless soul;
Salvation is in Jesu’s name,
Could I but touch his garment’s hem,
Even I should be made whole.

4 ‘Tis here, in hope my God to find,
With humble awe I come behind
And wait his grace to prove;
Before his face I dare not stand,
But faith puts forth a trembling hand,
To apprehend his love.

5 Surely his healing power is nigh;
I touch him now! by faith even I,
My Lord, lay hold on thee:
Thy power is present now to heal,
I feel, through all my soul I feel
That Jesus died for me.

6 I glory in redemption found;
Jesus, my Lord and God, look round,
The conscious sinner see;
Yes, I have touched thy clothes, and own
The miracle thy grace hath done
On such a worm as me.

7 With lowly reverential fear
I testify that thou art near,
To all who seek thy love;
Saviour of all I thee proclaim;
The world may know thy saving name
And all its wonders prove.

Long Have I Lived In Grief And Pain Video

Long Have I Lived In Grief And Pain Song Meaning

Long Have I Lived In Grief And Pain by Charles Wesley is a hymn that expresses deep sorrow and longing for healing and redemption. In this blog post, we will explore the main key messages of the song, analyze its meaning, and discuss whether it aligns with Biblical teachings.

I. Introduction to the Song
The song begins with the lines, “Long have I lived in grief and pain, And suffered many things in vain, And all physicians tried.” These words set the tone for the rest of the hymn, conveying a sense of desperation and hopelessness. The narrator has been enduring a prolonged period of suffering and has sought help from various sources, but to no avail.

II. Hopelessness and Desperation
The next few lines emphasize the narrator’s sense of hopelessness and the futility of seeking help from human means. The lyrics state, “Nor men nor means my soul can heal, The plague is still incurable, The fountain is undried.” The narrator acknowledges that neither people nor any earthly remedies can bring healing or relief to their soul. This acknowledgment underscores the depth of their despair and the magnitude of their pain.

III. A Better Hope
In the following stanza, the song takes a turn as it introduces the idea of a “better hope” that the narrator has found. The lyrics declare, “I find brought in a better hope, Succour there is for me laid up, For every helpless soul.” This newfound hope provides solace and the possibility of healing for every soul that is in need. It offers a glimmer of light in the midst of darkness and hints at the power of divine intervention.

IV. The Power of Jesus’ Name
The subsequent lines highlight the significance of Jesus’ name in the process of healing. The lyrics state, “Salvation is in Jesu’s name, Could I but touch his garment’s hem, Even I should be made whole.” The narrator recognizes that salvation and restoration can be found in Jesus’ name alone. They express a desire to have even a momentary encounter with Jesus, believing that such an encounter would bring complete healing and wholeness.

V. Faith and Apprehending God’s Love
The next stanza focuses on the role of faith in experiencing God’s healing power. The lyrics state, “‘Tis here, in hope my God to find, With humble awe I come behind, And wait his grace to prove.” The narrator approaches God with humility and reverence, acknowledging their unworthiness but still hoping to experience His grace. They express faith by reaching out and “apprehending” God’s love, fully believing that it is available to them.

VI. The Miracle of God’s Grace
The subsequent lines express the narrator’s amazement and gratitude for the miracle of God’s grace. They declare, “Surely his healing power is nigh; I touch him now! by faith even I, My Lord, lay hold on thee.” The narrator believes that their faith has allowed them to touch Jesus and experience His healing power. They humbly acknowledge that this miracle of grace has been bestowed upon even someone as lowly as themselves.

VII. Testifying to God’s Nearness
The final stanza of the hymn focuses on the narrator’s desire to testify to God’s nearness and His saving name. The lyrics state, “With lowly reverential fear, I testify that thou art near, To all who seek thy love.” The narrator recognizes that God is close to all who seek Him and experience His love. They encourage others to seek God and witness the wonders of His saving power.

Meaning and Inspiration
The song “Long Have I Lived In Grief And Pain” reflects the human experience of suffering, despair, and the longing for healing and redemption. It expresses the deep emotional and spiritual pain that can come from prolonged suffering and the search for relief. The hymn acknowledges the futility of seeking help from earthly sources and instead directs the focus towards Jesus as the ultimate source of healing and salvation. The lyrics convey a sense of hope and trust in God’s power to bring about transformation and restoration.

Biblical Analysis
From a biblical perspective, the song aligns with several key themes found in Scripture. It acknowledges the reality of suffering and the human condition of brokenness, which is a result of sin in the world (Romans 5:12). It also emphasizes the need for faith in Jesus as the source of healing and salvation (Acts 4:12). The song echoes the biblical message that God is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18).

Additionally, the hymn emphasizes the importance of testifying to God’s grace and sharing the message of salvation with others. This aligns with the biblical command to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).

“Long Have I Lived In Grief And Pain” by Charles Wesley is a poignant hymn that captures the human experience of suffering and the deep longing for healing and redemption. It highlights the futility of seeking help from earthly sources and directs the focus towards Jesus as the ultimate source of healing and salvation. The song aligns with biblical teachings on the reality of suffering, the need for faith in Jesus, and the importance of testifying to God’s saving power. Through its heartfelt lyrics, the hymn offers solace, hope, and an invitation to experience the healing power of God’s love.

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