When Thou Hast Disposed A Heart

1 WHEN thou hast disposed a heart
Saving truth with joy to hear,
Utterance, Lord, thou dost impart
To thy chosen messenger;
Then he finds the scripture key,
Then he speaks, and preaches thee.

2 Jesus, in the sacred book
Thou art everywhere concealed:
There for thee alone we look,
By thy Spirit’s light revealed,
Thee set forth before our eyes
Faith in every page descries.

3 Thee we preach to sinful men,
Urging them their Lord to embrace,
Pardon in thy blood to gain,
Hope for all the promised grace;
None but Christ on earth we know,
None but Christ to others show.

When Thou Hast Disposed A Heart Video

When Thou Hast Disposed A Heart Song Meaning

Title: When Thou Hast Disposed A Heart by Charles Wesley: A Song of Faith and Preaching


“When Thou Hast Disposed A Heart” is a timeless hymn written by Charles Wesley, one of the most prominent hymn writers in Christian history. This hymn reflects the joy and gratitude that arises when a heart is open to receiving the saving truth of Jesus Christ. With its powerful message and scriptural references, this song has become a staple in Christian worship services.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The lyrics of “When Thou Hast Disposed A Heart” convey the message of God’s grace and the transformation that occurs when a person surrenders their heart to Christ. The song speaks of the divine enablement given to the chosen messenger, who then shares the Good News with others.

The inspiration behind this hymn can be found in the words of Jesus Himself, who commissioned His disciples to preach the Gospel to all nations. Charles Wesley, driven by a desire to spread the message of salvation, composed this hymn as a reminder of the importance of preaching Christ crucified to a lost and broken world.

Biblical References:

The lyrics of “When Thou Hast Disposed A Heart” are deeply rooted in biblical truth. Let us explore some of the key verses that relate to the message conveyed in this hymn:

1. Proverbs 16:1 (ESV): “The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.”

This verse highlights the importance of God’s guidance in the words we speak. The hymn acknowledges that it is the Lord who imparts utterance to the chosen messenger and enables them to preach.

2. Luke 24:32 (ESV): “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”

This verse recounts the encounter of the disciples with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. It reminds us that it is through the Scriptures that Jesus reveals Himself to us. The hymn echoes this sentiment, emphasizing that Jesus is concealed within the sacred book and that faith can discern Him on every page.

3. 1 Corinthians 2:2 (ESV): “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”

The Apostle Paul’s words in this verse emphasize his commitment to preaching Christ crucified. Similarly, the hymn declares that the preacher’s focus should be on Jesus alone, for He is the source of salvation and hope.

Exploring the Lyrics:

Verse 1:

“When thou hast disposed a heart,
Saving truth with joy to hear,
Utterance, Lord, thou dost impart,
To thy chosen messenger;
Then he finds the scripture key,
Then he speaks and preaches thee.”

This verse acknowledges that it is God who prepares and opens the heart to receive the saving truth of Jesus Christ. The lyrics further emphasize that when a person’s heart is disposed to hear the Gospel, the Lord imparts utterance to the chosen messenger, enabling them to speak and preach the message of Christ effectively.

Verse 2:

“Jesus, in the sacred book
Thou art everywhere concealed;
There for thee alone we look,
By thy Spirit’s light revealed,
Thee set forth before our eyes,
Faith in every page descries.”

In this verse, the hymn highlights the presence of Jesus throughout the Scriptures. It proclaims that it is through the illumination of the Holy Spirit that we can see Christ revealed in every page of the sacred book. The lyrics encourage believers to seek Jesus in the Scriptures, for it is there that faith finds Him.

Verse 3:

“Thee we preach to sinful men,
Urging them their Lord to embrace,
Pardon in thy blood to gain,
Hope for all the promised grace;
None but Christ on earth we know,
None but Christ to others show.”

The final verse of the hymn underscores the core mission of every Christian: to preach Christ to sinful humanity. It urges believers to encourage others to embrace the Lord, receive forgiveness through His shed blood, and find hope in the promised grace. The lyrics emphasize that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life, and it is our responsibility to make Him known to others.


“When Thou Hast Disposed A Heart” is a hymn that beautifully captures the essence of Christian faith and preaching. Charles Wesley’s lyrics express gratitude for the divine enablement to preach Christ and the recognition that Jesus can be found throughout the Scriptures. This hymn serves as a reminder of our mission to share the Good News of salvation with others and to point them to Christ, who alone can bring hope, forgiveness, and eternal life. As we sing these words, may our hearts be stirred to fulfill our calling as messengers of the Gospel and ambassadors of Christ.

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