Mungu ni Mungu tu

Nabii Elijah, aliwaita manabii wote,wa Mungu baali
Lengo la elija,ilikuwa ni kumthibitisha Mungu wa kweli ni yupi,
kati ya Mungu wa baali, na Mungu wa mbinguni.
Akawambia watu nikaribieni mimi, akachukua mawe kumi na mbili akaanza kujenga madhabau.
Akaweka kuni juu yake,akaweka sadaka juu yake,
Akachimba mfereji ,akawambia watu mwageni maji mapipa manne,
wakamwaga maji mara ya kwanza ,wakamwaga maji mara ya pili,wakamwaga maji mara ya tatu.
Elijah, akaanza kumuita Mungu,Mungu wa mbinguni wewe Mungu,
Mungu wa mbinguni naijulikane kuwa upo.
Moto ukashuka ,ukaramba ile sadaka, ukaramba zile kuni ,ukaramba na yale mawe,
ukaramba na yale mavuno ,ukaramba na yale maji ,
Watu wakasujudu,wakasema huyu ndiye Mungu,anayepaswa kuabudiwa ,
Ndiye Mungu ninaye mwimbia Mungu wa Elijah.

Ooh Mungu,(Haleluya Mungu wetu) Mungu ni Mungu tu,atabaki kuwa Mungu tu (Haleluya Mungu wetu)
Ooh Mungu baba, Huyu Mungu wa mbinguni jamani
Huyu Mungu wa elijah, Maishani mwako mama yangu wewe
Mahali pote unapotembea, Ata wainuke wamseme vibaya, Ata wamkatae mbele yako.

Na wewe ndugu yangu,unayenisikia, unaye nitazama, Unaona nini mbele yako?
pengine unaona majaribuaujui utafanya nini, we mkaribie Mungu tu,
Pengine unaona magonjwa, haujui utapona lini we mkaribie Mungu tu.
Pengine unaona vita kubwa,haujui utashinda vipi, we mkaribie Mungu tu.
Pengine unaona watesi ,haujui utapita vipi, we mkaribie Mungu tu.
Pengine ni jaribu katika ndoa yako,haujui utashinda vipi,we mkaribie Mungu tu.
Hakuna linaloshidikana kwake Mungu, Aliyemshindia elijah ,
Katikati manabii wa baali atakushindia na wewe.

Ooh Mungu,(Haleluya Mungu wetu) Mungu ni Mungu tu,atabaki kuwa Mungu tu
Ooh Mungu baba, Huyu Mungu wa mbinguni jamani
Huyu Mungu wa elijah, Maishani mwako mama yangu wewe
Mahali pote unapotembeaAta wainuke wamseme vibaya, Ata wamkatae mbele yako.

Wanadamu wamekusemea maneno,kwamba hautaweza ,katika jaribu lako,
wanadamu wamekusemea maneno,kwamba hautashinda katika vita yako,
kumbe njia za Mungu, sio sawa na za mwanadamu
mipango ya Mungu ,sio sawa na ya mwanadamu,
akili ya Mungu, sio sawa na ya mwanadamu,
Maneno ya Mungu, sio sawa na ya mwanadamu,
Mawazo ya Mungu, sio sawa na ya mwanadamu,
Kazi ya Mungu, sio sawa na ya mwanadamu,
Sauti ya Mungu ,sio sawa na ya mwanadamu
Aliye mshindia elijah ,
katikati ya manabii wa baali atakushindia na wewe.

Ooh Mungu,(Amen Haleluya) Mungu ni Mungu tu,atabaki kuwa Mungu tu
Ooh Mungu baba, Huyu Mungu wa mbinguni jamani
Huyu Mungu wa elijah, Maishani mwako mama yangu wewe
Mahali pote unapotembeaAta wainuke wamseme vibaya, Ata wamkatae mbele yako.

Mungu ni Mungu tu Video

Mungu ni Mungu tu Song Meaning

Title: Mungu ni Mungu tu by Christopher Mwahangila: A Song of Faith and Victory


“Mungu ni Mungu tu” is a powerful Christian worship song by Christopher Mwahangila. This song carries a message of unwavering faith in God and the assurance that He alone is God. Inspired by the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal in the Bible, this song encourages believers to stand firm in their trust in God, knowing that He is the one who can overcome any challenge and bring victory in every situation.

Meaning of the Song:

The title, “Mungu ni Mungu tu,” translates to “Only God is God” in English. The song emphasizes the uniqueness and supremacy of God, highlighting that there is no other deity that can compare to Him. It encourages listeners to put their trust in God alone and seek His guidance and deliverance. The lyrics of the song express a deep conviction that when we approach God with faith and surrender, He will intervene in our lives, manifest His power, and bring about remarkable breakthroughs.

Story Behind the Song:

Though specific details about the inspiration or story behind “Mungu ni Mungu tu” are not readily available, it is clear that the song draws its inspiration from the biblical account of Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal. The story can be found in 1 Kings 18:20-40. Elijah, as a prophet of God, challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest to determine which deity was truly God. This contest involved a sacrifice and a call for fire to consume it.

Elijah built an altar, placed a sacrifice on it, and called upon the prophets of Baal to call upon their god to consume the offering. Despite their fervent prayers and rituals, Baal did not respond. In contrast, Elijah called upon the God of Israel, and fire came down from heaven, consuming the sacrifice, the altar, and even the water that Elijah had poured on it.

This powerful display of God’s sovereignty and power affirmed the faith of the people in the one true God. Similarly, “Mungu ni Mungu tu” echoes the same message of unwavering faith in God’s ability to overcome any challenge and bring victory.

Biblical References:

The song “Mungu ni Mungu tu” finds its foundation in various Bible verses that emphasize the uniqueness, power, and faithfulness of God. Here are a few relevant references:

1. 1 Kings 18:21 – “Elijah went before the people and said, ‘How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.’ But the people said nothing.”

This verse sets the stage for Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal and highlights the importance of choosing to follow the one true God. It inspires believers to remain steadfast in their faith and trust in God alone.

2. 1 Kings 18:37 – “Answer me, LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, LORD, are God and that you are turning their hearts back again.”

This verse shows Elijah’s prayer to God before the miraculous fire consumed the sacrifice. It reflects the confidence and assurance that Elijah had in God’s power and the desire for the people to recognize and return to Him.

3. Isaiah 43:10 – “You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and my servant whom I have chosen so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me, no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.”

This verse establishes God’s uniqueness and unrivaled position as the only true God. It strengthens the message of the song, affirming that there is no other deity that can compare to Him.

Themes Explored in the Song:

1. Unwavering Faith: “Mungu ni Mungu tu” encourages believers to have unwavering faith in God, even in the face of challenges and uncertainties. It emphasizes the need to trust in God’s power and sovereignty, knowing that He is capable of bringing victory.

2. God’s Supremacy: The song highlights God’s uniqueness and supremacy over all other gods. It reminds believers that there is no other deity who can compare to Him and that He alone deserves our worship and trust.

3. Victory in God: “Mungu ni Mungu tu” affirms that true victory can only be found in God. It encourages listeners to turn to Him in times of struggle, knowing that He is the one who can overcome any obstacle and bring about a victorious outcome.

4. Proclamation of God’s Power: The song also serves as a proclamation of God’s power and ability to manifest Himself in miraculous ways. It echoes Elijah’s call for fire and the subsequent display of God’s power, reminding listeners that God is still able to perform miracles today.


“Mungu ni Mungu tu” is a powerful worship song that conveys a message of unwavering faith in God. Inspired by the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal, this song reminds believers of God’s supremacy and His ability to bring victory in every situation. It encourages listeners to trust in God alone, proclaim His power, and confidently walk in the assurance that He is the one true God. Through its heartfelt lyrics and powerful melody, “Mungu ni Mungu tu” serves as a reminder of the unchanging nature of God and the faithfulness He displays in the lives of His people.

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