Bernie’s Situation

The candy looks so good to me
I just want to taste it
the candy looks so good to me
I just want to break it
I never thought it would end up this way
why didn’t I know it would end up this way (James 1:13-14)

I’m sick and tired of this ritual fling
stuff in my life that needs sorting
why do I do this to my self
God get in here I need your help (Romans 7:13-25)

Come to me Bernie
run to me Bernie
I never knew you
the Bible is true (Matthew 7:21-23)

Where did everybody go
they were all here just a minute ago
no God no this can not be
I repented at a quarter past three (Luke 16:23)

I was misled hell burns so bad (Matthew 18:9)
why did I lose the treasure I had (Luke 12:33-34)
please one more chance I won’t do it anymore
there is no feeling here I am so sore (Luke 16:24)

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