Yeshua (Jesus)


When we call you, you will answer


When we call you, you will deliver 

There is no name greater than Yours 

There is no name greater than Yours 


When we call you, you will answer


When we call you, you will deliver 

There is no name greater than Yours 

There is no name greater than Yours 

There is no name

No name greater than your name

There is no name

No name greater than your name


When we call you, you will answer


When we call you, you will deliver 

There is no name

No name greater than your name

There is no name

No name greater than your name

Yeshua (Jesus) Video

Yeshua (Jesus) Song Meaning

Yeshua (Jesus) by Folabi Nuel is a beautiful worship song that has become a favorite among Christians around the world. The song’s lyrics are simple yet powerful, and it speaks to the greatness of Jesus Christ and the love that he has for us. We will also give practical applications of the song to Christian living.

The Meaning of Yeshua (Jesus) by Folabi Nuel

The word “Yeshua” is a Hebrew name that means “salvation” or “deliverance.” It is also the Hebrew name for Jesus, the Savior of the world. The song’s lyrics speak to the power and majesty of Jesus Christ, and how he is the only one who can save us and deliver us from sin and death.

The first verse of the song says, “When we call you, you will answer. When we call you, you will deliver. There is no name greater than yours.” This verse speaks to the fact that when we call on the name of Jesus, he will answer us and deliver us from whatever situation we are in. There is no other name that has the power to save us besides the name of Jesus.

The second verse of the song says, “There is no name greater than yours. There is no name no name greater than your name.” This verse speaks to the greatness of Jesus Christ. There is no other name that is greater than his name. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and he deserves all of our worship and praise.

The chorus of the song repeats the name “Yeshua” several times, emphasizing the fact that Jesus Christ is our Savior and our deliverer. The song’s melody is simple yet powerful, and it is easy to sing along to.

The Inspiration and Story Behind Yeshua (Jesus) by Folabi Nuel

Folabi Nuel is a Nigerian gospel artist who has been making music for several years. He is known for his powerful worship songs that speak to the hearts of believers around the world. The inspiration behind Yeshua (Jesus) is the greatness of Jesus Christ and the love that he has for us.

In an interview, Folabi Nuel said that the song came to him during a time when he was going through a difficult season in his life. He was struggling with some personal issues, and he felt like he needed to call on the name of Jesus for help. As he began to worship, the words to the song came to him, and he knew that he had to share it with others.

The song has since become a favorite among Christians around the world, and it has been sung in churches and worship gatherings all over the world. The simple yet powerful lyrics speak to the heart of what it means to be a Christian, and they remind us of the greatness of Jesus Christ and the love that he has for us.

Bible Verses Referenced in Yeshua (Jesus) by Folabi Nuel

The lyrics to Yeshua (Jesus) by Folabi Nuel are filled with references to Bible verses that speak to the greatness of Jesus Christ and the love that he has for us. Here are a few of the verses that the song references:

– “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” – Acts 4:12

This verse speaks to the fact that there is no other name that can save us besides the name of Jesus. He is the only one who has the power to save us from sin and death, and we must call on his name in order to be saved.

– “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” – Philippians 2:9-11

This verse speaks to the greatness of Jesus Christ and the fact that he is Lord over all. His name is above every other name, and one day every knee will bow and every tongue will acknowledge that he is Lord.

– “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

This verse speaks to the love that God has for us and the fact that he sent his son Jesus to die for our sins so that we could have eternal life. This is the ultimate act of love, and it shows us just how much God cares for us.

Practical Applications of Yeshua (Jesus) by Folabi Nuel

The practical applications of Yeshua (Jesus) by Folabi Nuel are many. The song reminds us of the greatness of Jesus Christ and the love that he has for us. It encourages us to call on his name in times of trouble and to trust in him to deliver us from whatever situation we are in.

As Christians, we are called to worship and praise God, and this song gives us a powerful reminder of why we should do so. It reminds us of the fact that Jesus Christ is Lord over all and that he deserves all of our worship and praise.

The song also reminds us of the fact that there is no other name that can save us besides the name of Jesus. In a world that is filled with many distractions and temptations, it is easy to lose sight of this fact. But when we sing this song and call on the name of Jesus, we are reminded of the power that his name holds.

In conclusion, Yeshua (Jesus) by Folabi Nuel is a beautiful worship song that speaks to the greatness of Jesus Christ and the love that he has for us. Its simple yet powerful lyrics remind us of the fact that there is no other name that can save us besides the name of Jesus. As Christians, we are called to worship and praise God, and this song gives us a powerful reminder of why we should do so.

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