How Awesome You Must Be

Verse 1:
How Could You be Fairer Than The Sunrise I
Or Lovlier Than A Moonlit Starry Night I
How Could You Be Stronger Than the Ocean Or Bigger Than The Sky
If What Has Been Created Is So Awesome I
Then The One Who Made It All Must Far Exceed
The Wonder And The Beauty Of Creation I
How Awesome You Must Be

I Can hear The Writer In A Song
I Can See The Painter In A Painting
I Can Hear The Baby In Us All When We Start Crying
But I Can Only Catch A Glimpse Of You I
When I Behold The Things You’ve Done And All You Do
If This Is Just A Foretaste Of Your Glory I
Oh God, How Awesome You Must Be

Verse 2:
I Can’t Fathom How You Made The Universe I
Or How You Paint The Sky In Royal Blue
And What Is More Amazing Is To Understand I
That There Is So Much More Of You I
When My Body Takes On Immortality
Then All Of Who You Are My Eyes Will See I
But Now My Mind Can Only Just Imagine I
How Awesome You Must Be

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