Love Love Love

The parking lot was full
That Easter morning
Suits and ties and bonnets
Sunday finest filled the pews

Pastor Rick was known for his long sermons
But we knew that he would give us
Something we could hold on to

He walked up to the pulpit
And we sat up in our seats
He slowly looked around
And made us wait to hear him speak

Then he said Love, Love, Love
Then he sat back down
It wasn’t much but man it was enough
Cause the one thing we all could use more of
Is Love, Love, Love

The ladies on the front row didn’t like it
One of them said whatever we pay him is too much
Mr Johnson said we got dressed up for nothing
But at least we’ll beat the Baptist to the Shorney Sunday brunch

But as for me I got more
From those three little words
Than from all the other sermons
That I’d ever heard

When he said Love, Love Love
Then he sat back down
It wasn’t much but man it was enough
Cause the one thing we all could use more of
Is Love, Love, Love

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