Baba naomba kubarikiwa nawe

Macho yangu, nayainua,
Nibadilishe, Unibariki,
baraka zako, haina huzuni,
nizakudumu milele amina

Baba naomba, kubarikiwa nawe,
sitoki hapa usiponibariki
Baba naomba, kubarikiwa nawe,
sitoki hapa usiponibariki

ukabadilisha, Yakobo jina ukamwita,
isreael maana yake, kubarikiwa
nami naomba kubarikiwa nawe.

Baba naomba, kubarikiwa nawe,
sitoki hapa usiponibariki
Baba naomba, kubarikiwa nawe,
sitoki hapa usiponibariki

Ninapokutazama utanininua,
Ninapokutazama utanibariki,
Ninapokutazama sitaogopa kamwe,
Sitoki hapa bila uguso wako.

Baba naomba, kubarikiwa nawe,
sitoki hapa usiponibariki
Baba naomba, kubarikiwa nawe,
sitoki hapa usiponibariki

Ukinigusa nimebarikiwa,
Uguso wako, ni baraka kwangu,
ulimgusa Batholomayo akaona,
Ndipo nasema, nataka uguso wako.
Sitoki hapa usinibariki.

Baba naomba, kubarikiwa nawe,
sitoki hapa usiponibariki
Baba naomba, kubarikiwa nawe,
sitoki hapa usiponibariki

Baba naomba kubarikiwa nawe Video

Baba naomba kubarikiwa nawe Song Meaning


Christian music has always been inspiring to believers worldwide, and Isaac Kahurani’s Baba naomba kubarikiwa nawe is no exception. The song’s title translates to “Father, I ask to be blessed by you” is a prayerful song that seeks God’s blessings and presence in one’s life.

Meaning of the Song

The lyrics of Baba naomba kubarikiwa nawe are a heartfelt prayer to God, asking for His blessings and guidance. The song is a reminder that as Christians, we cannot achieve anything without God’s help and that we need to seek His presence continually. The opening lines of the song, “Macho yangu, nayainua,” which translates to “I lift my eyes,” show the singer’s humility and willingness to look up to God for help.

The song’s chorus, “Baba naomba, kubarikiwa nawe, sitoki hapa usiponibariki,” which translates to “Father, I ask to be blessed by you, I will not leave here without your blessing,” emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s blessings. The singer acknowledges that he cannot achieve anything without God’s intervention, and he is willing to wait until God blesses him.

The second verse of the song emphasizes the importance of a personal encounter with God. The line “ukabadilisha, Yakobo jina ukamwita, isreael maana yake, kubarikiwa” translates to “You changed Jacob’s name and called him Israel, which means blessed.” This verse highlights that God can change our lives and bless us in ways we cannot imagine.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song

Isaac Kahurani, the composer of Baba naomba kubarikiwa nawe, is a Kenyan gospel musician who has been in the industry for over two decades. The inspiration behind the song is his personal journey of seeking God’s blessings and guidance. Kahurani’s music has always been centered around his faith, and Baba naomba kubarikiwa nawe is no exception.

Kahurani’s music ministry has been instrumental in transforming many lives. He has a passion for sharing the gospel and inspiring people to live a life that honors God. Baba naomba kubarikiwa nawe is just one of the many songs that have touched people’s hearts and inspired them to seek God’s blessings.

Bible Verses Related to the Song

The lyrics of Baba naomba kubarikiwa nawe are deeply rooted in the Bible. The song’s message is inspired by various verses in the Bible that emphasize the importance of seeking God’s blessings and guidance. Here are some of the Bible verses related to the song:

– Psalm 121:1-2 – “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” This verse emphasizes the importance of looking up to God for help.
– Genesis 32:28-29 – “Then the man said, ‘Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.’” This verse shows that God can change our lives and bless us in ways we cannot imagine.
– James 1:17 – “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” This verse emphasizes that all good things come from God, and we need to seek His blessings continually.

Practical Application of the Song

The message in Baba naomba kubarikiwa nawe is relevant to every Christian. The song reminds us that we need to seek God’s blessings and guidance continually. As Christians, we cannot achieve anything without God’s help. Here are some practical applications of the song to Christian living:

– Seek God’s guidance in every aspect of your life. We need to involve God in everything we do, whether it’s our career, relationships, or personal growth.
– Trust God’s timing. Sometimes, we may feel like we are not making progress, but we need to trust that God’s timing is perfect. We should not rush things but wait patiently for God’s blessings.
– Thank God for His blessings. We need to acknowledge God’s blessings in our lives and thank Him for them. Gratitude is a powerful tool that can transform our lives and help us appreciate what we have.


In conclusion, Baba naomba kubarikiwa nawe is a beautiful song that reminds us of the importance of seeking God’s blessings and guidance. The lyrics are deeply rooted in the Bible and inspire us to trust God’s plan for our lives. The song is a reminder that as Christians, we need to involve God in everything we do and acknowledge His blessings in our lives. May this song inspire us to seek God’s blessings continually and trust Him in every aspect of our lives.

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