I’m With You/Be Still

You are not alone, I’m with you

Everywhere you go, I’m there

You don’t have to be afraid

I have always been the same

You are not alone, I’m with you

Every whisper I can hear

As close as breathing out my name

I’m aware of everything

You are not alone, I’m with you

So be still, be still

I am your peace, be still

You are not alone, He’s with you

Everywhere you go, He’s there

You don’t have to be afraid

He has always been the same

You are not alone, He’s with you

Every whisper He can hear

As close as breathing out his name

He’s aware of everything

You are not alone He’s with you

Be still, be still

He is your peace, be still

Be still, be still

He is your peace, be still

You are my peace

You are my peace

Help me to be, help me to be still and know

You are my peace

You are my peace

Help me to be, help me to be still

Be still

You are my peace

I will be still

You are not alone I’m with you

I’m With You/Be Still Video

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