Make Us One

Verse 1
One with the Father
One with the Spirit
One with the Son of God
One with our sister
One with our brother
One family by the blood

Make us one
Make us one
Your will be done
Make us one

Verse 2
One heart with heaven
One mind connected
One body unified
Bind us together
Now and forever
Jesus be glorified

Chorus (2X)

We confess all our offenses
We confess we’ve been afraid
We repent of all the pride
Let all the hurt be washed away
For all the wars and violence
Against our enemies
Come heal our land with your great river
Restore the family and

Make us one
Make us one
Let your kingdom come
Make us one
Make us one

“As we sing this again let it be a declaration over you, over your family, over your churches, over this nation ultimately.
And our prayer is that God will be the head, he will be the center of His church again. That every wall would be torn down, there would be no more division, no more strife. Amen?
Can we believe that tonight?
Can we just lift our hands?
Father that’s our cry, that you would make us one, that you would unify us through your spirit, that you’d be glorified again through your body.”

Make us one
Make us one
Let your kingdom come
Make us one
Make us one

Chorus (2X)


Make us one
Make us one
Let your kingdom come
Make us one
Make us one

Make Us One Video

Make Us One Song Meaning

Make Us One by Jesus Culture is a powerful worship song that calls for unity among believers. The song emphasizes the importance of being united as one body in Christ and seeks God’s intervention to bring about this unity. With its heartfelt lyrics and powerful melody, Make Us One has become a favorite among Christian worshipers.

Verse 1:
The song begins with the line, “One with the Father, One with the Spirit, One with the Son of God.” This line highlights the concept of the Trinity, where the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united as one. It acknowledges the divine unity of God and sets the foundation for the theme of unity throughout the song.

The next line states, “One with our sister, One with our brother, One family by the blood.” Here, the song emphasizes the unity we have as believers in Christ. We are all part of the same spiritual family, bonded together by the blood of Jesus shed on the cross for our sins. This line reminds us that we are not alone in our faith but are united with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

The chorus of the song repeats the phrase, “Make us one” multiple times. This simple yet powerful plea reflects the desire for unity among believers. It is a prayer asking God to bring us together as one body, with a common purpose and shared love for Him. The repetition of this line strengthens the message and serves as a reminder of the importance of unity in the body of Christ.

The second part of the chorus states, “Your will be done.” This line acknowledges that true unity can only be achieved when we align ourselves with God’s will. It reminds us that our personal agendas and selfish desires should be set aside in order to pursue God’s plan for unity among His people. By surrendering to God’s will, we open ourselves up to His guidance and enable Him to work in and through us to bring about unity.

Verse 2:
As the song progresses, the second verse emphasizes the need for unity in various aspects of our lives. The first line states, “One heart with heaven, One mind connected.” This highlights the importance of being united with God and having a shared mindset with Him. It encourages us to align our thoughts and desires with God’s, seeking His wisdom and guidance in all that we do.

The next line states, “One body unified.” This line refers to the unity we should have as the body of Christ. Just as our physical bodies function harmoniously when all the parts are working together, the body of Christ can only thrive when we are united and working together for His purposes. It emphasizes the need for cooperation and collaboration among believers.

The final line of the verse states, “Bind us together, Now and forever, Jesus be glorified.” Here, the song acknowledges that unity is not just a temporary state but something that should endure. It is a prayer asking God to bind us together in unity, not just for a moment but for eternity. The ultimate goal of this unity is to bring glory to Jesus, recognizing Him as the head of the church and the source of our unity.

The bridge of the song serves as a moment of confession and repentance. It acknowledges our shortcomings and the barriers that hinder unity. The lyrics state, “We confess all our offenses, We confess we’ve been afraid, We repent of all the pride.” This line encourages us to examine our hearts and acknowledge any attitudes or actions that have contributed to disunity. It calls for repentance and a turning away from pride and fear, which often divide us.

The next lines state, “Let all the hurt be washed away, For all the wars and violence, Against our enemies.” Here, the song recognizes the need for healing and restoration. It acknowledges the pain and division caused by conflicts and calls for God’s intervention to wash away this hurt. It reminds us that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces (Ephesians 6:12), and that our unity should extend even to our enemies.

The bridge concludes with a plea for God to heal our land and restore the family. It recognizes that unity is not just for the church but should extend to all aspects of our lives, including our families and communities. By seeking God’s healing and restoration, we can experience unity and wholeness in every area of our lives.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The meaning of Make Us One is clear – it is a plea for unity among believers. The song recognizes the importance of unity in the body of Christ and the need for God’s intervention to bring it about. It calls for a laying down of personal agendas and a surrendering to God’s will in order to pursue unity. The inspiration behind the song likely comes from the many divisions and conflicts that exist within the church and the world. It is a call to action, urging believers to come together in love and unity for the sake of God’s kingdom.

Biblical Analysis:
From a biblical perspective, Make Us One aligns with the teachings of Scripture regarding unity among believers. In multiple passages, the Bible emphasizes the importance of unity within the body of Christ. For example, in Ephesians 4:3, Paul writes, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” This verse echoes the plea in the song to strive for unity and to actively work towards maintaining it.

Jesus Himself prayed for unity among believers in John 17:20-23. He asked the Father to “make them one as we are one” and prayed that believers would be “brought to complete unity.” This prayer from Jesus serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of unity and the role it plays in displaying God’s love to the world.

The concept of unity as a reflection of the Trinity is also supported by Scripture. In John 17:21, Jesus prays, “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.” This verse highlights the unity that exists within the Godhead and encourages believers to strive for that same unity.

Overall, Make Us One by Jesus Culture is a biblically sound song that aligns with the teachings of Scripture regarding unity among believers. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of unity in the body of Christ and the need for God’s intervention to bring it about. The song encourages believers to set aside personal agendas, repent of any attitudes that hinder unity, and actively work towards maintaining unity in the church and beyond.

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