Swift to Hear, Slow to Answer

Be swift to hear, slow to answer
A man’s words can lead to his fall
If you have knowledge, humbly answer
If not, say nothing at all

Before investigation, find no fault hold all within
Before you hear, hold back your answer
For in many words there seldom lacks sin

Be swift to hear, slow to answer
You will find Wisdom with God

So never repeat gossip
Never repeat an evil report
Let all you hear die within you
It will not make you burst, be now assured

Admonish your friend, the story may be slander
Do not believe every story you hear
Admonish your fiend, the accused may be innocent
And if guilty, he may not do it again

Be swift to hear, slow to answer
You will find Wisdom from God

Be swift to hear, slow to answer
You will Wisdom from God

Swift to Hear, Slow to Answer Video

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