When I Look Into Your Holiness

When I look into Your holiness
When I gaze into Your loveliness
Your loveliness
When all things that surround become shadows
In the light of You
In the light of You

When I’ve found the joy of reaching Your heart
When my will becomes enthroned in Your love
When all things that surround become shadows
In the light of You
Light of You

I worship You I worship You
I worship You worship You
The reason I live is to worship You

I worship You
I worship You (You are my God) 
I worship You
The reason I live is to worship You

When I look into Your holiness
When I gaze into Your loveliness
Your loveliness
When all things that surround become shadows
In the light of You
In the light of You
In the light of You

When I’ve found the joy of reaching Your heart
Reaching Your heart 
When my will becomes enthroned in Your love 
When all things that surround become shadows 
In the light of You 
It’s the reason that I live 

I worship You I worship You 
I worship You 
The reason I live is to worship You 

I worship of You with all my heart 
I worship You worship You 
The reason I live is to worship You 

When I Look Into Your Holiness Video

When I Look Into Your Holiness Song Meaning

When I Look Into Your Holiness by Kent Henry: A Song of Worship and Intimacy with God


“When I Look Into Your Holiness” is a powerful worship song written by Kent Henry. It is a song that invites individuals to experience the presence of God in a deep and intimate way. The lyrics express a longing to encounter the holiness and loveliness of God, and to worship Him with all our heart.

Main Key Messages of the Song:

The song “When I Look Into Your Holiness” conveys several key messages that are revealed through its lyrics. Let’s explore these messages in chronological order:

1. A Glimpse of God’s Holiness and Loveliness:

The opening lines of the song set the tone by expressing a desire to encounter God’s holiness and loveliness. The lyrics say, “When I look into Your holiness, when I gaze into Your loveliness.” This line suggests that the worshipper is seeking to have a glimpse of God’s character and attributes, acknowledging His divine nature and beauty.

2. Seeing the Shadows Fade:

The next line states, “When all things that surround become shadows in the light of You.” This message speaks to the transformative power of God’s presence. When we truly encounter His holiness, everything else fades away, and the earthly concerns and distractions lose their significance. It is a call for the worshipper to focus solely on God and His glory.

3. Joy and Intimacy in Reaching God’s Heart:

The following verse expresses the joy and fulfillment found in reaching God’s heart. It says, “When I’ve found the joy of reaching Your heart, when my will becomes enthroned in Your love.” This line suggests that true worship involves a surrender of our own desires and a deep connection with God’s heart. It speaks of the intimate relationship we can have with Him when we fully submit to His love and will.

4. The Reason for Living is to Worship God:

The chorus of the song declares, “I worship You, I worship You, the reason I live is to worship You.” This message emphasizes the central role of worship in the life of a believer. It conveys the idea that our purpose and ultimate fulfillment come from worshiping and glorifying God. It reminds us that worship is not just a ritual but a lifestyle of devotion and adoration.

Meaning and Inspiration of the Song:

The song “When I Look Into Your Holiness” is a heartfelt expression of the longing to encounter God’s presence and worship Him with all our being. It is a reminder of the importance of intimacy and surrender in our relationship with God. The lyrics inspire believers to seek a deeper connection with Him, to let go of earthly distractions, and to find joy and fulfillment in worshiping Him.

The inspiration behind the song may vary depending on the personal experiences and spiritual journey of the songwriter, Kent Henry. However, it is clear that the lyrics draw from biblical themes and teachings on worship, intimacy with God, and the transformative power of encountering His holiness. The song serves as a vehicle for individuals to express their own longing and desire to experience God’s presence in a profound way.

Critically Analyzing the Biblical Foundation:

In evaluating the biblical foundation of the song, it is important to consider whether its messages align with the teachings and principles of Scripture. Let’s examine the main messages of the song and support them with biblical references:

1. Seeking God’s Holiness and Loveliness:

The desire to encounter God’s holiness and loveliness is rooted in the biblical concept of seeking His presence and experiencing His glory. Psalm 27:4 says, “One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.” This verse reflects a similar longing to behold the beauty and holiness of God.

2. Shadows Fading in the Light of God:

The idea that all things fade away in the light of God’s presence is consistent with biblical teachings on the transformative power of encountering His glory. In Psalm 36:9, it says, “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light, we see light.” This verse suggests that in the light of God’s presence, the shadows of darkness and sin are dispelled, and we gain a clearer perspective on life.

3. Joy and Intimacy in Reaching God’s Heart:

The concept of finding joy and intimacy in reaching God’s heart aligns with biblical teachings on the blessings of a close relationship with Him. Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” This verse emphasizes the joy and fulfillment found in the presence of God and the intimate connection we can have with Him.

4. The Reason for Living is to Worship God:

The idea that the reason for living is to worship God is firmly grounded in Scripture. Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” This verse highlights the importance of worship as a way of life, where every aspect of our being is dedicated to honoring and glorifying God.

In conclusion, “When I Look Into Your Holiness” is a powerful worship song that invites believers to encounter God’s presence, seek His holiness, and worship Him with all their heart. The song’s messages align with biblical teachings on worship, intimacy with God, and the transformative power of encountering His glory. It serves as a reminder of the central role of worship in the life of a believer and the joy and fulfillment found in a deep connection with God.

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