All For You

All for You
All for You
May all that’s inside of my heart and my mind
Be all for You

I worship You
I worship You
I give all that’s inside of my heart and my mind
To worship You

I love You
Jesus, I love You
With all that’s inside of my heart and my mind
I love You

All for You
All for You
May all that’s inside of my heart and my mind
May all that’s inside of my heart and my mind
May all that’s inside of my heart and my mind
Be all for You

Jesus, I’m all for You

All For You Video

All For You Song Meaning

All For You by Phil Wickham is a beautiful and powerful worship song that speaks of our devotion and surrender to Jesus Christ. Through its heartfelt lyrics and moving melody, the song expresses our desire to give all of ourselves to Him and to worship Him with all that we are.

The Meaning Behind All For You

The song All For You is a declaration of our love and devotion to Jesus Christ. It is a reminder that He is the center of our lives, and that everything we do should be done for His glory.

The lyrics of the song express this devotion in a number of ways. For example, the first verse says:

“All for You
All for You
May all that’s inside of my heart and my mind
Be all for You”

This verse speaks of our desire to give all of ourselves to Jesus – our hearts, minds, and everything we have. It is a call to surrender ourselves completely to Him and to make Him the focus of our lives.

The chorus of the song echoes this sentiment, saying:

“I worship You
I worship You
I give all that’s inside of my heart and my mind
To worship You”

Here, we see that worship is a central theme of the song. The lyrics express our desire to worship Jesus with all that we are, and to give Him glory and honor in everything we do.

The second verse of the song continues this theme of worship, saying:

“I love You
Jesus, I love You
With all that’s inside of my heart and my mind
I love You”

This verse speaks of the love that we have for Jesus, and it emphasizes that this love should be expressed through our worship of Him. It is a reminder that our love for Him should be the driving force behind everything we do.

Overall, the meaning of All For You is clear – it is a song of devotion and surrender to Jesus Christ. It is a call to worship Him with all that we are, and to make Him the center of our lives.

The Inspiration and Story Behind All For You

While the specific inspiration behind All For You is not known, it is clear that the song was written as a prayer of devotion to Jesus Christ. Phil Wickham, the songwriter, is known for his powerful worship music, and it is likely that he wrote this song as a way to express his own personal devotion to Jesus.

Like many worship songs, All For You is designed to be sung in a corporate setting, with the congregation coming together to worship Jesus together. It is a powerful reminder that we are not alone in our devotion to Jesus, and that we can come together as a community to worship Him and give Him glory.

The Bible Verses Referenced in All For You

All For You is a worship song that draws heavily on Biblical themes and imagery. While the song does not reference specific Bible verses, it is clear that the lyrics are inspired by a number of Biblical concepts.

For example, the theme of surrender and devotion is a common one in the Bible. In Romans 12:1-2, the apostle Paul writes:

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

This passage speaks of the importance of offering ourselves as living sacrifices to God, and of renewing our minds in order to discern His will for us. It is a powerful reminder that our worship of God should be all-encompassing, involving every aspect of our lives.

Another Biblical theme that is present in All For You is the idea of love. In John 15:9-12, Jesus says:

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

This passage emphasizes the importance of love in the Christian life, and it is clear that the love that we have for Jesus is a central theme of All For You.

The Practical Application of All For You to Christian Living

So, what does All For You mean for our daily lives as Christians? How can we apply the message of this song to our own personal worship of Jesus Christ?

First and foremost, All For You is a reminder that our worship of Jesus should be all-encompassing. It should involve every aspect of our lives, from the way we think and feel to the way we act and interact with others. We should strive to make Jesus the center of our lives, and to give Him glory in everything we do.

Additionally, All For You is a reminder of the importance of community in our worship of Jesus. While we can certainly worship Him on our own, there is something powerful and transformative about coming together with other believers to worship Him as a community. We should seek out opportunities to worship Jesus with others, and to encourage each other in our devotion to Him.

Finally, All For You is a call to action. It is a reminder that our love for Jesus should inspire us to action, and that we should seek to serve Him and others in all that we do. We should strive to live out our love for Him in practical ways, by serving others, sharing the gospel, and living lives that are pleasing to Him.

In conclusion, All For You by Phil Wickham is a beautiful and powerful worship song that speaks of our devotion and surrender to Jesus Christ. Through its heartfelt lyrics and moving melody, the song expresses our desire to give all of ourselves to Him and to worship Him with all that we are. As Christians, we can apply the message of this song to our daily lives by making Jesus the center of our worship, seeking out opportunities to worship Him in community, and living out our love for Him in practical ways.

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