Come on and clap Your hands
Everybody stomp Your feet
For the lord is good
And he’s worthy to be praised
Lift Your voice
Give him praise and rejoice
For the lord is good
Great is our God greatly to be praised
All praise is due Your glorious name
We give You thanks, we lift our voice
We raise our hands, from our hearts we rejoice
Alpha, omega, first and the last
A present help in ages past
Lion of judah, the root of david
For thy great pleasure we were created
Lift Your voice and sing to our God and king, he reigns
Let us praise His great, His awesome name, he reigns
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise father, son, and holy ghost
He’s good, he’s good
O taste and see he’s good
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