This Too Shall Pass

What is your life 

This gift of time

It’s all but a vapor 

Dust in the wind 

Like flowers fade and waste away

This life always changes 

But one thing i know

This too shall pass

No failure is final 

The wins don’t define you 

None of it lasts 

The best is ahead 

When all this has finished 

Tt’s just a beginning 

Love never ends this 

This too shall pass

So I fix my eyes

On the one who guides

Through heartbreak and failure 

The joy and the pain 

This too shall pass

No failure is final 

The wins don’t define you 

None of it lasts 

The best is ahead 

When all this has finished 

Tt’s just a beginning 

Love never ends this 

This too shall pass

It’s not too late to begin again 

Cause in everything 

He’s working for good 

If it’s not okay 

Then it’s not the end 

Just hold on 

He will carry you through 

This too shall pass

No failure is final 

The wins don’t define you 

None of it lasts 

The best is ahead 

When all this has finished 

Tt’s just a beginning 

Love never ends this 

This too shall pass

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